November 18, 2015

Q & A | May we pay the property taxes for 2015 and insure that 2016 taxes are “not yet due and payable”?

Q: May we pay the property taxes for 2015 and insure that 2016 taxes are “not yet due and payable”? A: Short Answer is “no”.   Please […]
October 14, 2015

Q & A | Will an Owner’s Policy provide insurance coverage for an illegal lot situation?

Q: Will an Owner’s Policy provide insurance coverage for an illegal lot situation (land division without compliance with the subdivision regulations and ordinances)? A: No, due […]
September 16, 2015

Q & A | Does a spouse have to sign the warranty deed or the deed of trust if they don’t own the property?

Q:  Does a spouse have to sign the warranty deed or the deed of trust if they don’t own the property? A:  This is a very […]
August 12, 2015

Q & A | May a devisee under a probated will excute a formal disclaimer of their interest in the decedent’s estate in order to avoid the attachment of child support arrearages owed by said beneficiary?

Q: May a devisee (“beneficiary”), who would otherwise inherit property, real or personal, under a probated will execute a formal disclaimer of their interest in the […]