Introducing FLEX, by First National Title Insurance Company (FNTI), flexible Title Production Services focused around the independent agent & built to help you and your business grow they way you need it.
We offer a full suite of title driven solutions that we customize to fit your needs and your existing workflow so that you truly can work smarter, not harder. Our fast turn times & expansive coverage area allows our agents to shine over their competition!
Whether you need help year round, or with overflow volume in your busiest months, FNTI is the first choice for your flexible (or not so flexible) title and policy production needs.
FNTI works to earn our agents’ business every day and we strive to build a lasting relationship with each of you. We know that a relationship built upon trust is the key to success and we’d like to have the opportunity to show you what we can offer your company to be successful.
Let us show you why so many work with FNTI!
Place Orders, Track Status and Retrieve Title Evidence without leaving your title production platform
Hyperlinked commitments.
Commitments loaded into your title production system of choice.
Save time and money.
Eliminate re-keying errors and shorten processing time.
Fast Turntimes
Expansive Coverage
For title services in your area, please contact: