October 19, 2022
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- All
- Agency Highlights
- Agent Spotlight
- Alabama
- Alabama Software Providers
- Alaska
- Alaska Software Providers
- All Region News
- All States COVID-19 News
- Arizona
- Arizona COVID-19 News
- Arizona Preferred Vendors
- Arizona Software Providers
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Preferred Vendors
- Arkansas Software Providers
- California
- California Software Providers
- Colorado
- Colorado Preferred Vendors
- Colorado Software Providers
- Community Involvement
- Connecticut
- Connecticut Software Providers
- COVID-19
- Delaware
- Delaware Software Providers
- East Coast Region News
- East Coast Region Preferred Vendors
- East Coast Region Software Providers
- Education & Training
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- FIRST...Let's Talk Title Podcast
- Florida
- Florida COVID-19 News
- Florida Preferred Vendors
- Florida Region Software Providers
- Georgia
- Georgia Software Providers
- Great Lakes Region News
- Great Lakes Region Preferred Vendors
- Great Lakes Region Software Providers
- Hawaii
- Hawaii Software Providers
- Idaho
- Idaho Software Providers
- Illinois
- Illinois Software Providers
- Indiana
- Indiana Software Providers
- Industry News
- Kansas
- Kansas Software Providers
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Software Providers
- Latest News
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maine Software Providers
- Maryland
- Maryland Preferred Vendors
- Maryland Software Providers
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Software Providers
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Michigan COVID-19 News
- Michigan Preferred Vendors
- Michigan Software Providers
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Mid-Atlantic Region Software Providers
- Midwest Region News
- Midwest Region Software Providers
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Software Providers
- Mississippi
- Mississippi Software Providers
- Missouri
- Missouri Software Providers
- Montana
- Montana Software Providers
- Motivational Monday
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Software Providers
- Nevada
- Nevada Preferred Vendors
- Nevada Software Providers
- New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Software Providers
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Software Providers
- New Mexico
- New Mexico COVID-19 News
- New Mexico Preferred Vendors
- New Mexico Software Providers
- New York
- New York COVID-19 News
- New York Preferred Vendors
- New York Software Providers
- News
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Preferred Vendors
- North Carolina Software Providers
- North Dakota
- North Dakota Software Providers
- Ohio
- Ohio Preferred Vendors
- Ohio Software Providers
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Preferred Vendors
- Oklahoma Software Providers
- Oregon
- Oregon Software Providers
- Other
- Other
- Other
- Other
- Out & About
- Pacific Region News
- Pacific Region Software Providers
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Preferred Vendors
- Pennsylvania Software Providers
- Policy Production
- Policy Production
- Policy Production
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island Software Providers
- South Carolina
- South Carolina Software Providers
- South Dakota
- South Dakota Software Providers
- Southeast Region
- Southeast Region Preferred Vendors
- Southeast Region Software Providers
- Southwest Region
- Southwest Region Preferred Vendors
- Southwest Region Software Providers
- Specialty Insurance
- Specialty Insurance
- Specialty Insurance
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Preferred Vendors
- Tennessee Software Providers
- Texas
- Texas COVID-19 News
- Texas Preferred Vendors
- Texas Software Providers
- Title Tips
- Uncategorized
- Underwriting Q & A's
- Upper Midwest Region
- Upper Midwest Region Preferred Vendors
- Utah
- Utah Preferred Vendors
- Utah Software Providers
- Vermont
- Vermont Software Providers
- Videos
- Virginia
- Virginia COVID-19 News
- Virginia Preferred Vendors
- Virginia Software Providers
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Washington D.C. COVID-19 News
- Washington DC Preferred Vendors
- Washington DC Software Providers
- Washington Software Providers
- West Virginia
- West Virginia Software Providers
- Western Region
- Western Region Preferred Vendors
- Western Region Software Providers
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Software Providers
- Wyoming
- Wyoming Software Providers
- All
- "bonding around"
- "residential" real property
- #9
- #djhorn
- #fntimarchmadness
- #FNTIMonth
- #fntiuglysweater
- #fortune
- #goodluck
- #green
- #MarchMadness
- #motivationalmonday
- #positioning
- #positionyourself
- #stpatricksday
- 1-4 Single Family Contract
- 10 year anniversary
- 10 years
- 100 agents
- 100 percent increase
- 100 years
- 100% dedicated
- 100% dedication
- 1099
- 1099-s
- 10yearcelebration
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2017 taxes
- 2018
- 2018 awards
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2021 schedule
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2nd working day
- 3 business day rule
- 3 day waiting period
- 3 years
- 3-day review
- 3years
- 41
- 4th of july message
- 5 type of communication
- 50 years
- 5years
- 6 years
- 7 years
- 8th year
- a'
- a' unsurpassed
- aa davis title
- Ability to Pay and Qualified Mortgage rules
- AbiRoad Land & Title
- about brad
- above and beyond
- addition or prepayment
- additional counties
- admiraltitle
- adversity
- advisory board
- affidavit
- affidavits of heirship
- affidvit of heirship
- affirmation
- AG
- Agency Bulletin
- agency highlights
- agency manager
- agency services
- agent
- agent growth
- agent highlight
- agent liability
- agent license
- agent love
- agent month
- agent spotlight
- agent success
- agent summit
- agent visits
- agentlove
- agents
- agreement
- alamogordo builders association
- alan holly
- Alliant Title
- alta good deeds
- alta panelist
- altaone
- amendments
- American Baseball Coaches Association Conference
- American Guaranty Title of Waco
- american land title
- American Land Title Association
- Amos L. Mazzant
- amy crawford
- amy thomas
- an inspired spirit
- ancillary probate
- Andy Dwyer
- anniversary
- annual meeting
- another country
- answers
- anthony nalbone
- Apostille
- Apostille certificate
- appreciation
- april
- april roberts
- Arizona
- arizona agent
- arizona agents
- arkansas
- Arkansas LAnd Title Association
- ashton smith
- assets
- at&t hotel and conference center
- ATRA Reinsurance
- attorney
- attorney run
- auction
- audit challenge
- Audra Taylor
- Augusta
- Austin
- austin texas
- austin title
- austin tx
- authority
- Authorization and MERP Certification form
- authorized escrow agent
- award winner
- awards
- AZ
- bankruptcy lien
- banterra bank
- barry sloop
- baseball
- Basic Manual of Rules
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance in the State of Texas
- basin abstract and title
- basinabstract
- battle
- battle ready
- baycity
- be in compliance
- be inspiring
- be safe
- be yourself
- belinda rivera
- belton
- beneficiary
- beneficiary deed
- ber massey classic
- best agents
- better
- better for you
- betty newlon
- Bexar County
- big business
- big four
- big four vs us
- big investor
- Bill Shaddock
- Billy Vaughn
- blackacre title company
- Blacknight
- blessings
- block the rule
- Board of Directors
- bob dylan
- bob karlseng
- bond coverage
- borrego construction
- brad edler
- Brad Elder
- brad foreman
- brad honn
- brad jones
- brad versteegh
- bradjones
- Branson
- breathe
- brian phillips
- Broward
- broward county
- bruce martinez
- buddy davis
- building relationships
- Burt Macklin
- bushnell branch
- business development
- business entity
- business goals
- business growth
- business health
- business health check
- business strength
- ca
- california
- California State Polytechnic University
- capital title of texas
- capitaltitle
- capitaltitleoftexas
- capitol
- carlos casuso
- casino
- castle rock
- castroville
- casuso title
- catching up
- cathy copeland
- CE
- ce class
- CE credit
- celebrate
- celebration
- central title company
- CentraLand Title Company
- centralandtitlecompany
- chad hansen
- challenge
- challenges
- champion
- championship title
- chance perkins
- chance to win
- change
- change in loan product
- changing market
- Chapter 207
- Charlene Burk
- cheer
- Cheri Swanson
- cheryl klein
- chief operating officer
- chihuahua baseball
- child support
- children
- children into title
- Chris Crochet
- chris drumm
- Chris Phillips
- Chris Sperry
- christine huff
- Christmas
- civil law notary
- claims counsel
- class
- classes
- claude rich
- clay shoot
- clean audit award
- clean audits
- client party
- clients
- close of business
- closing disclosure
- Closing Market
- closing settlement
- co
- cocktail hour
- collateral for loan
- collateral kindred
- colorado
- colorado agents
- colorado county
- columbus tx
- commit
- commitment
- committed
- common misconceptions
- communication
- community
- community involvement
- community property
- community property laws
- company growth
- company strength
- competent authority
- competition
- compliance
- Conditions and exclusions
- conference
- conferences
- congratulations
- Congress
- connecting
- connecting with others
- connections
- conservatorship proceeding
- consistent service
- Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
- consumer financial laws
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Protection Act
- consumer protections
- contest
- contest winners
- contests
- continued education
- continuing education
- continuing growth
- contract
- contractor
- convention
- conveyance of a homestead property
- coo
- cookies
- Cooperatives
- coral gables
- corey casuso
- coronado
- coronavirus
- costumes
- courgae
- court order
- courtney hartley
- courtney harty
- coverage
- coverage fund
- covering no other land
- covid
- covid tips
- COVID-19
- covid19
- craig malatesta
- credit hours
- credit score
- credit score inquiries
- crockett
- crystal river fl
- ctot
- customer appreciation
- customer assurance
- customer dedication
- customer love
- customer service
- customers
- customers come first
- cyber crime
- cyber insurance policies
- cyberattacks
- dad
- Dallas 100
- Dallas 100 Awards
- Dallas Business Journal
- Dallas Business Journal's Middle Market 50
- dallas middle market 50
- Dan Boughton
- data call
- date
- date of policy
- david dickard
- david frisbie
- David Hays
- dawn thomas
- dawnanddebbie
- Day at the Capital
- DC
- deadlines
- deadlines to remember
- Death Deeds
- debra lewing
- deceased owner
- December
- december 1-14
- dedicated
- dedication
- deed
- deed and policy
- deed of trust
- delaware
- delegated authority
- delegation of authority
- Demotech
- demotech inc.
- dennis bonner
- denver
- Department of Labor
- Department of Treasury
- department of veterans affairs
- deposit funds
- desert lakes golf club
- designated authority
- determination
- devin storms
- devisee
- Diane Pyndus
- did you know
- digital signatures
- dimmy deer
- disabilities
- disability
- disabled
- disabled veteran
- disaster relief
- disclaimer deed
- divorce
- DJ Horn
- do better
- Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
- don julio classic
- don't wait
- donation
- donations
- donuts
- Doral
- Dr. Mark Dotzour
- due and payable
- due dates
- e-closings
- e-recording
- earnest money
- earning your business
- education
- education and training
- education news
- education seminars
- El Paso
- El Paso Chihuahuas
- el paso texas
- electronic notarization
- Elizabeth Woodroof
- Ellen Wied
- Elliott & Waldron Abstract Company
- elpaso
- Emelinda Moran
- emergency assistance
- employees
- employers
- empowerment
- encumbered
- entrust solutions
- envision title
- Errin Froggatt
- error on legal description
- escrow agent
- escrow officer training
- escrow officers
- escrow webinars
- essential workers
- estie leavitt azulay
- Ethics
- ethics training
- events
- evp
- examination
- exceeding the vision
- exception
- exclusion
- expanded services
- expanding
- expanding plant services
- expanding underwriting team
- expansion
- expectations
- face masks
- face-to-face
- fallscountytitle
- family
- family business
- family of agents
- FAQ's
- fastest growing companies
- Fastest Growing DFW Companies
- fear
- featured
- featured agent
- february
- federal judge
- Federal Reserve System
- federal tax lien
- feel good
- feelings
- fight
- fighter
- filed of record
- financial growth
- Financial Stability Rating
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- FinCen
- first
- First International Title
- first let's talk title
- first national bank of sante fe
- first national title
- First National Title Insurance
- first national title insurance comapny
- first national title insurance commpany
- First National Title Insurance Company
- First National Title Insurance team
- first pitch
- first responders
- FirstNet
- fiscal results
- fishing tournament
- fishing turnament
- fitness
- fitness level
- FL
- flags
- flex
- flex by fnti
- flex title production services
- flex title services
- Florida
- florida agent
- Florida agents
- Florida Land and Title Association
- florida land title association
- florida new hire
- florida production team
- florida region
- florida region agency manager
- florida title center
- florida title insurance
- flower mound
- FLTA Annual Golf Tournament
- FNTI agent
- fnti agent summit
- FNTI agents
- FNTI Cares
- FNTI family
- fnti response
- fnti spirit
- FNTI stands with Houston
- FNTI Team
- FNTI underwriting
- fnti vs big four
- fntiagentmonth
- fnticompany
- focus
- football coach
- for the sake of form
- for the year of the issuance of the Loan Policy or Interim Binder
- foreclosure
- foreign countries
- Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act
- foreign person
- Form T-2
- Fort Worth
- fraud coverage
- fredericksburg
- Frequently asked questions
- friendly reminder
- friendly reminders
- friends
- friends for hope
- frontier title group
- frontline workers
- full potential
- full premium
- full time focus
- fun
- future of industry
- future plans
- Galveston
- game plan
- garner abstract
- garner abstract and title
- general counsel
- geographic targeting order
- george h.w. bush
- george stablein
- Georgia
- Geri Hosterman
- Geri Hostermann
- getting better
- give thanks
- giving back
- Globe Life Park
- go-getter
- Gold Sponsorship
- gold standard award
- gold star title and escrow
- goldstandardaward
- golf
- golf tournament
- gordon sauer
- gotowebinar
- governor abbott
- gracefully strong
- grand opening
- grandopening
- grantee
- grantor
- grateful
- gratitude
- great lakes
- great lakes region
- great lakes region agency manager
- great northern title & abstract
- great staff
- greatfulness
- green brick title
- greystone
- Greystone Title Agency
- gricel chavez
- gross revenues
- growing
- growing business
- growth
- growth goals
- growth strategy
- Guarantee Title
- guidance
- Guillermo Gonzalez
- gulf coast hurricane
- gulf coast region
- gulf region of Texas
- gym
- Hague Convention
- Hague Convention of 1961
- Halloween
- happy 4th
- happy agents
- happy customers
- happy fourth of july
- happy halloween
- Happy Holidays
- happy hour
- happy new year
- Hard Hats and High Heels
- hard start
- hard work pays off
- hardwork
- hardworking
- HARP Loan
- HARP loan payoff
- Harrison Smith
- have you in mind
- hayley zatopek
- headed into 2019
- heads up
- health check
- heather stark
- Heather Stubbs
- heather weaver
- help
- helpful information
- helping
- helping out
- helping the community
- helping you grow
- here for our agents
- here for you
- here to help
- here we grow
- heroes
- high expectations
- highlight
- hill country titles
- HOA addendum
- Holiday
- holiday season
- holidays
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Extravaganza
- hollywood nights
- home equity loans
- homestead
- homestead affidavit
- honor roll
- honoring
- honors
- hope kahn
- hotel del coronado
- hours
- house of representatives
- Housing assistance
- Houston
- Houston area flooding
- Houston Flooding
- houston improv
- houston polo club
- Houston Texas
- humbled
- hurricane
- hurricane harvey
- Hurricane Harvey relief
- Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort
- ifly
- illegal lot situation
- impermissable alteration
- improved
- inc.
- Inc. 5000
- Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies
- inc5000
- increase in APR
- increase in revenue
- independence day
- independent agent
- Independent Agent Month
- independent agents
- independent agents' month
- independent title agents
- independent underwriters
- industry news
- industry veteran
- information
- inheritance
- initiatives
- injunction
- inspiration
- insurance
- insurance coverage
- insurance policies
- Insured Closing Protection Letter
- insured mortgage
- insuring a property
- Integrated Disclosure Forms
- integrity land title
- integrity title
- Interim Binder
- Interim Construction Loan
- intestate decdent
- intestate succession
- introducing
- invention
- iron lady
- IRS forms
- IRS instructions
- island girl cigar bar
- issuing agent
- issuing policy
- jackson hanks
- jacquie brink
- James Dudley
- james l anderson
- Jamie Barker
- jamie flynn
- jamiebarker
- Jane Privitt
- January
- January 2017
- javalina hunt
- Jay Hansli
- jeff boll
- jennifer correa
- jerry secrest
- jill schwenke
- jimmy deer
- JJ Title & Escrow
- joan tassy
- Joe Kuruvila
- joe mccabe
- john dodson
- john fox
- John Maxwell
- john micciche
- John Redding
- John Scolinos
- Jonathan Yasko
- judgement lien
- Julie Borges
- julie hartung
- july 4th
- June
- Justin Mowitz
- kalahari resort
- Kanakuk Kamps
- keep going
- kendrasalazar
- keystone abstract company
- kidney donation
- kim whitlock
- kirk bell
- Know Before You Owe
- knowledge
- kolter lukert
- kristen jorgensen
- kristi carrell
- Kristine Prather
- kyle rank
- labor law
- land title association of arizona
- Land Title Institute
- Land Title School
- landtitle texas
- Laredo
- las cruces abstract & title company
- last will
- latest news
- launch
- laura howard
- leadership
- learning
- legal
- Legal advisor
- legal description
- legal staff
- legend title
- legend title and abstract
- Legends Title
- legislature
- lender secured by a mortgage
- Lender's Title Policy
- Leslie Midgley
- lets talk title
- levellandtitlecompany
- liability
- license renewals
- lien
- lien affidavit
- light bulb
- listen in
- listening
- living will
- liz currie
- liza lagares
- Lizzie Angle
- llc
- Lloyds of London
- loan
- Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
- Loan Estimate form
- Loan Policy
- Loan Policy (T-2)
- loan program
- Loan Title Policy
- Lobby Day
- local
- local teams
- London
- lonestartitle
- louisiana
- love
- love fnti
- love our agents
- love our clients
- love our customers
- love work
- love your brand
- loveouragents
- loveourcustomers
- ltaa
- ltac
- lumber jack
- lunch and learn
- luncheon
- maintain
- majestic title
- malcolm torres
- mara alyson
- march 2019
- march madness
- margaret thatcher
- marginalization
- maria caban
- mark ginzo
- Mark Wolfe
- marquette
- married couple
- Marty Deandre
- maryland
- maryland insurance administration
- massages
- massive growth
- master indemnity
- Masters Golf Tournament
- masters of industry
- matt deer
- matt powell
- matter of form
- Maverick Title
- meet our newest team members
- meeting
- melissa ballard
- memorandum
- mergers
- Merry Christmas
- Message from the CEO
- messages from the CEO
- metro brokers
- Mexican Matricula Consular (I.D. Card)
- Miami-Dade
- michael willey
- michigan
- Michigan land title association
- mid-atlantic
- mid-atlantic region
- mid-coast title company
- midcoast title
- middle market 50
- Middle Market 50 - Fastest Growing DFW Companies
- middle market 50 awards
- midwest region
- mile high stadium
- mimosas
- minors
- mission
- Missouri
- mlta
- mm
- mm50
- modern economy
- Monarch Title of Texas
- monopoly
- mortgage disclosure rule
- mortgage disclsoure
- mortgage of a homestead property
- Motivation
- Motivation Monday
- motivational messages
- Motivational Monday
- motivational mondays
- motivational tips
- Mowitz Title
- music
- n title
- national
- national agency division
- national division
- national forms manager
- national market share
- National Retail Federation
- national title services
- national underwriting counsel
- nationwide
- navititleagency
- ned livornese
- nereida almos
- networking
- nevada
- never give up
- new agent
- new employee
- new hire
- new hires
- new jersey
- New Mexico
- new mexico agent
- New Mexico Land Title Association
- new office
- New Orleans
- new staff
- new state
- new team member
- new updates
- new website
- New Year
- New Year resolution
- new years
- new york
- newbies
- Newlon
- next up
- nicole hayes
- nicolehayes
- NM
- nm wildfires
- nolaann waggoner
- nonverbal communication
- norma scot
- norma scott
- north carolina
- north star title company
- northstartitle
- not yet due and payable
- notaries
- notarization
- notary
- notary acknowledgement
- notary certification
- notary laws
- notary public
- notary's seal
- notice of the suit
- notices
- november agent highlight
- ns3
- ntp
- Obama
- Obama administration
- Obama's Overtime Rule
- obtain judgment
- official agent
- official launch
- official records
- ohio
- oil and gas industry
- oklahoma
- on the road
- on-demand
- online notarization
- online notary license
- onrecord title
- ontop
- open house
- opera
- Opera on the Plaza
- operations
- option fee
- oscars
- Other
- out & about
- Out and About
- outstanding agent award
- overtime
- Owner's Policy
- Owner's Policy (T-1)
- Owner's Title Policy
- p-11
- P-20
- P-54 Access Endorsement (T-23)
- paca
- Palm Beach
- pam pugh
- pandemic
- panel
- panel of leaders
- paragraph 4
- Parks and Rec
- partner
- partnership
- party
- Patrick McMillan
- pay doyle fishing tournament
- pennsylvania
- performances
- persistence
- persistent sales
- personality profiling
- pheoniz arizona
- phillips award
- phishing
- pinnacle title
- pioneer abstract & title
- pioneer abstract and title company
- Pioneer Title Agency
- planning
- Plano
- plta
- plum creek golf club
- podcast
- podcast series
- policies
- policy department
- Policy Production
- polo
- pop-bys
- positivity
- post covid
- power of attorney
- powerful
- pr
- pre-nuptial agreement
- Premium for Access Endorsement
- prep
- prepared
- preparing the deed
- prepayment penalty
- president
- president elect
- prevention
- pride
- primary mortgage
- principal title
- principals
- Privacy and sharing
- prizes
- pro forma
- probate a will
- probated will
- Procedural Rule P-2
- Procedural Rule P-20
- Procedural Rule P-20.C.1
- Procedural Rule P-50
- proceeding
- productive spring cleaning
- profits
- promoting confidence
- promotion
- promulgated form
- property
- property & casualty insurance producer licensing advisory board
- property rights
- property tax
- property tax in Texas
- property taxes
- protect your transactions
- protect yourself
- protected parties
- protection
- proud underwriter
- psa
- public records
- purchaser
- q & a
- Q&A
- Q1
- Quentin Dunn
- Question & Answer
- question and answers
- questions
- Questions & Answers
- Questions and answers
- quitclaim deed
- R-24
- R-5
- R-5 "Simultaneous issue" rule
- rachel popper pa.a.
- rampart title insurance agency
- RamQuest
- randy gilbert
- ranking
- rate rule 5
- Rate Rule R-24
- Rate Rule R-30
- ratification
- Ray Benson
- ray reece
- real estate
- real estate brokerage firm
- real estate document
- real estate heirship
- real estate market
- real estate transactions
- real property
- realtionships
- Realtor
- realtors choice award
- recent recognitions
- recipient
- recognition
- recognitions
- record year
- recorded notice of interest
- recording of a hard copy
- Red Kettle Award
- red riding hood
- redemption
- reflecting
- region manager
- regional update
- regionals southwest
- regions
- reinsurance
- reinsurance treaty
- reissue credit
- relationships
- relax
- remember
- remembering
- reminder
- reminders
- remote online closings
- remove abstract
- Renee Hicks
- reporting
- representative
- representing
- resale certificate
- reshaping the industry
- residence homestead
- residential property
- resilience
- resources
- respect
- response
- rest
- restart
- results
- revenue
- revenue increase
- reverse mortgages
- rhonda flasowski
- ribbon cutting
- rick borrego
- River Oaks
- robust economy
- rocky mountain
- rocky mountain escrow and title
- roller coaster market
- ross weaver
- round rock
- routine
- rudd & hawkes
- rudd and hawkes title insurance agency
- rule
- rustin khavari
- ryan casuso
- ryan peterson
- sacrifice
- salary cap
- sale
- sale transaction
- sales
- salesforce
- San Antonio
- sandiego
- santa
- santa fe title
- sante fe title
- sarah hasch
- save money
- saving lives
- scalloping
- scarfs
- Schedule B
- Schedule B exception
- Schedule C
- scholarship
- Sean A. Everest
- Sean Everest
- season's greetings
- seaspray settlement services
- second working day
- Section 1445 of the IRS Code
- Section 207.003(a)
- Section 5.012
- Select Title
- Select Title Sugar Land
- selecttitle
- self confidence
- sellers homestead
- selling property
- service
- services at closing
- setting goals
- Sewell Title
- shaddock companies
- sheila dunn
- sheree adkins
- Sheriff's Deed
- sheriff's sale
- silver leaf title insurance agency
- simultaneous issue
- Sixteen100Realty Group
- sleep
- small business
- small estate affidavit
- smishing
- SMU Cox Caruth Institute
- SoftPro360
- south carolina
- south land title
- southeast region
- Southern Title Insurance Company
- southlandtitle
- southwest
- southwest region
- southwest region manager
- southwestagents
- southwestern abstract and title company
- southwestern title and escrow
- southwestregion
- speakeasy
- spear phishing
- Specialty Insurance
- specified title insurance
- sports camp
- spotlight
- spouse
- spouse joining proforma
- spring cleaning
- sr. title officer
- Standard Exception Relating to Taxes
- Star Wars
- start fresh
- state economy
- state legislators
- statutes
- statutory process
- stay focused
- stay safe
- stay tuned
- stephanie coppage
- stephanie mooney
- stephen parker
- steve raney
- Steve Riemann
- steve trubatisky
- storms
- Strategic National Title Group
- strength
- stress relief
- strong
- strong finish and start
- stronger
- subsection(g)
- success
- successors and assigns
- suffer financial harm
- Sugar Land
- Sugar Land TX
- summer
- sunshine state
- super hero
- support
- support our agents
- support staff
- support team
- supporting communities
- survey coverage
- surveys
- survival
- surviving spouse
- susan stewart
- suzanne tinsley
- svp
- sweaters
- swtic
- T
- T-1R
- T-1R Owner's Title Policy
- T-2
- T-23 Access Endorsement
- t-29
- t-47
- t-47 affidavit
- take time for yourself
- talented
- talk
- talk title
- tara caballero
- tax foreclosure deed
- tax lien
- Tax Lien Deed of Trust
- tax sale
- taxes
- TDI post examinations
- tea time
- team
- team building
- team members
- team title services
- teamwork
- technology
- Temple
- tennessee
- Tennessee agent
- Terry Hastings
- testing
- Texas
- texas agent
- Texas agents
- texas baseball
- Texas Department of Insurance
- Texas disaster relief
- texas education
- texas endorsement chart
- Texas estates
- Texas Estates Code
- Texas Estates Code 122.107
- Texas Family Code
- texas first title company
- Texas Historical Commission
- Texas Land Title Association
- texas land title associations day
- Texas Land Title Institute
- Texas market
- Texas Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Claim
- texas notary
- Texas probate
- Texas Probate Code
- Texas Property Code
- Texas Rangers
- texas register
- Texas Residential Owner Policy
- Texas Secretary of State
- Texas Secure Title
- Texas Secure Title Company
- Texas Tax Code
- Texas Title
- Texas Title Company
- Texas Title El Paso
- Texas title insurance
- Texas Title Insurance Basic Manual
- texas title policies
- texas title university
- texasagent
- texasagents
- texastitlecompanyelpaso
- thank you
- thankful
- Thanksgiving
- thankyou
- the closing table of florida
- the independent agent
- The Texas Medicaid Estate Recovery Contractor
- theme
- theresa kane-mackenzie
- things to know
- Third Quarter
- thomas baird
- Thomas Edison
- thriving
- tiffany thompson
- TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure
- tim donovan
- times are changing
- tina deer
- Tips
- title
- title & abstract
- title 101
- title agent
- title agent needs
- title agent tricks
- title agents
- title calculator
- title company
- title data
- title industry
- Title Insurance
- title insurance agents
- title insurance education
- title insurance policy
- title insurance questions
- title insuring
- title of property
- Title One
- title partner
- title plant
- title policy
- title production
- title production services
- title questions
- title school
- title services
- title talk
- title tips
- Title USA
- TitleCapture
- titlegeeks
- titleone
- titleresources
- TLTA Annual Conference & Business Meeting
- TLTA Conference
- tlta convention
- tlta dinner
- TLTA Land Title School
- TLTA Land Title School Committee
- TLTA President
- TLTA University
- today
- together again
- tolerance provisions
- Tolerances
- Tom Davis
- tom klein
- top 10 winner
- tough times
- tournament
- Town Square Title
- tracey shaw
- tracy mcmahon
- traditions
- trainer
- training
- training exercises
- transactions closing in 2016
- transfer on death deed
- transitions
- TREC contract
- trec contract changes
- TREC Rule 535/146(b)(3)
- trophy
- troy adkins
- trust
- trust account
- trust agreement
- trust award
- trustaward
- trustee
- Truth-In-Lending Laws
- tune in
- TX
- tyler newlon
- U.S. District Judge
- U.S. District Judge Amos L. Mazzant
- ugly holiday sweater
- ugly sweater
- ugly sweater contest
- ugly sweaters
- understanding our agents
- underwriter
- underwriter q&a
- underwriter questions
- underwriters' policies
- underwriting
- underwriting answers
- Underwriting Bulletin
- underwriting cases
- underwriting counsel
- underwriting observations
- underwriting q & a
- underwriting q&a
- underwriting questions
- underwriting questions and answers
- underwriting resource
- underwriting resources
- underwriting staff
- underwriting team
- United States
- United States Consulate
- United States Embassy
- United States of America
- Unlimited Title Group
- unsurpassed
- US District Judge
- US District Judge Amos L. Mazzant
- US Law
- useful websites
- Utah
- utah agent
- valentines day
- valid
- valid lien
- value
- values
- VantageScore
- variety of expertise
- vendee
- vested deed
- vesting of title
- veterans
- veterans day
- Vicki Campbell
- vince young
- virginia
- vishing
- vision title
- visual training
- vitamin c
- vp
- waiting period
- warranty deed
- Washington
- waterford title
- we honor those who served
- we love our customers
- We stand with Houston
- we-ko-pa casino resort
- webinar
- webinars
- welcome
- well prepared
- Wendell Privitt
- wendy hoelting
- western division
- western region
- western region manager
- Western Regional Title
- western regional title agency
- whaling
- what a great team
- what is
- why fnti
- wichita falls
- will and testament
- win
- winner
- winners
- winning
- winslow wine cafe
- wintertime
- wire fraud
- wire fraud prevention
- wire fraud response plan
- wire transfer
- wire transfer fraud
- wiseman law firm
- Witchita Falls
- with our agents
- withhold and remit to the IRS
- wolf
- womens empowerment
- words
- words at valentines
- work
- work hard
- work hard play hard
- working
- www.goentrust.com
- yavapai title
- yavapai title agency
- yoga
- youcaring
- YouCaring Fund
- All
- April Roberts
- Brad Jones
- Brian Phillips
- Chance Perkins
- Chris Phillips
- David Dickard
- David Hays
- DJ Horn
- Ellen Wied
- fnti
- First National Title Insurance
- fntiblog
- Underwriting Department
- Geri Hosterman
- Jacquie Brink
- Jamie Barker
- Kristine Prather
- Mara Alyson
- Nicole Hayes
- NolaAnn Waggoner
- Rustin Khavari
- Ryan Peterson
- Sean Everest
August 5, 2021
Published by Chris Phillips on August 5, 2021
As we start another incredible quarter of growth and expansion, Southwest Title Insurance Company (SWTIC) has created additional regions to accommodate the needs of our new […]
March 30, 2021
Published by Chris Phillips on March 30, 2021
The national news painted a grim, but accurate, scene in Texas last month. There were rolling blackouts lasting anywhere from two hours to two days. Temperatures dropped to […]
March 30, 2021
Published by Chris Phillips on March 30, 2021
- Alabama
- Alaska
- All Region News
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- East Coast Region News
- Florida
- Georgia
- Great Lakes Region News
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Midwest Region News
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York COVID-19 News
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pacific Region News
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Southeast Region
- Southwest Region
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Upper Midwest Region
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
- Western Region
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
The national news painted a grim, but accurate, scene in Texas last month. There were rolling blackouts lasting anywhere from two hours to two days. Temperatures dropped to […]
August 8, 2020
Published by Chris Phillips on August 8, 2020
- Alabama
- Alaska
- All Region News
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- East Coast Region News
- Florida
- Georgia
- Great Lakes Region News
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Michigan COVID-19 News
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Midwest Region News
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York COVID-19 News
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pacific Region News
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Southeast Region
- Southwest Region
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Upper Midwest Region
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Washington D.C. COVID-19 News
- West Virginia
- Western Region
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
It is so difficult to watch the news, listen to the radio, or walk into any business and be reminded that 2020 has upended the lives […]
May 8, 2020
Published by Chris Phillips on May 8, 2020
- Alabama
- Alaska
- All Region News
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- East Coast Region News
- Florida
- Georgia
- Great Lakes Region News
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Midwest Region News
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pacific Region News
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Southeast Region
- Southwest Region
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Upper Midwest Region
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
- Western Region
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Prior to the pandemic and the most disruptive event in our nation’s recent history, the economy and the title industry were experiencing record levels of revenue […]
July 12, 2019
Published by Chris Phillips on July 12, 2019
- Alabama
- Alaska
- All Region News
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- East Coast Region News
- Florida
- Georgia
- Great Lakes Region News
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Midwest Region News
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pacific Region News
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Southeast Region
- Southwest Region
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Upper Midwest Region
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
- Western Region
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Last month, I had the opportunity to attend and participate in a panel discussion at the National Settlement Services Summit (NS3) conference in Phoenix, AZ. NS3 […]