June 29, 2021
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- Agency Highlights
- Agent Spotlight
- Alabama
- Alabama Software Providers
- Alaska
- Alaska Software Providers
- All Region News
- All States COVID-19 News
- Arizona
- Arizona COVID-19 News
- Arizona Preferred Vendors
- Arizona Software Providers
- Arkansas
- Arkansas Preferred Vendors
- Arkansas Software Providers
- California
- California Software Providers
- Colorado
- Colorado Preferred Vendors
- Colorado Software Providers
- Community Involvement
- Connecticut
- Connecticut Software Providers
- COVID-19
- Delaware
- Delaware Software Providers
- East Coast Region News
- East Coast Region Preferred Vendors
- East Coast Region Software Providers
- Education & Training
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- FIRST...Let's Talk Title Podcast
- Florida
- Florida COVID-19 News
- Florida Preferred Vendors
- Florida Region Software Providers
- Georgia
- Georgia Software Providers
- Great Lakes Region News
- Great Lakes Region Preferred Vendors
- Great Lakes Region Software Providers
- Hawaii
- Hawaii Software Providers
- Idaho
- Idaho Software Providers
- Illinois
- Illinois Software Providers
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- Indiana Software Providers
- Industry News
- Kansas
- Kansas Software Providers
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- Kentucky Software Providers
- Latest News
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maine Software Providers
- Maryland
- Maryland Preferred Vendors
- Maryland Software Providers
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Software Providers
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Michigan COVID-19 News
- Michigan Preferred Vendors
- Michigan Software Providers
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Mid-Atlantic Region Software Providers
- Midwest Region News
- Midwest Region Software Providers
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Software Providers
- Mississippi
- Mississippi Software Providers
- Missouri
- Missouri Software Providers
- Montana
- Montana Software Providers
- Motivational Monday
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Software Providers
- Nevada
- Nevada Preferred Vendors
- Nevada Software Providers
- New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Software Providers
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Software Providers
- New Mexico
- New Mexico COVID-19 News
- New Mexico Preferred Vendors
- New Mexico Software Providers
- New York
- New York COVID-19 News
- New York Preferred Vendors
- New York Software Providers
- News
- North Carolina
- North Carolina Preferred Vendors
- North Carolina Software Providers
- North Dakota
- North Dakota Software Providers
- Ohio
- Ohio Preferred Vendors
- Ohio Software Providers
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Preferred Vendors
- Oklahoma Software Providers
- Oregon
- Oregon Software Providers
- Other
- Other
- Other
- Other
- Out & About
- Pacific Region News
- Pacific Region Software Providers
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Preferred Vendors
- Pennsylvania Software Providers
- Policy Production
- Policy Production
- Policy Production
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island Software Providers
- South Carolina
- South Carolina Software Providers
- South Dakota
- South Dakota Software Providers
- Southeast Region
- Southeast Region Preferred Vendors
- Southeast Region Software Providers
- Southwest Region
- Southwest Region Preferred Vendors
- Southwest Region Software Providers
- Specialty Insurance
- Specialty Insurance
- Specialty Insurance
- Tennessee
- Tennessee Preferred Vendors
- Tennessee Software Providers
- Texas
- Texas COVID-19 News
- Texas Preferred Vendors
- Texas Software Providers
- Title Tips
- Uncategorized
- Underwriting Q & A's
- Upper Midwest Region
- Upper Midwest Region Preferred Vendors
- Utah
- Utah Preferred Vendors
- Utah Software Providers
- Vermont
- Vermont Software Providers
- Videos
- Virginia
- Virginia COVID-19 News
- Virginia Preferred Vendors
- Virginia Software Providers
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- Washington D.C. COVID-19 News
- Washington DC Preferred Vendors
- Washington DC Software Providers
- Washington Software Providers
- West Virginia
- West Virginia Software Providers
- Western Region
- Western Region Preferred Vendors
- Western Region Software Providers
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Software Providers
- Wyoming
- Wyoming Software Providers
- All
- "bonding around"
- "residential" real property
- #9
- #djhorn
- #fntimarchmadness
- #FNTIMonth
- #fntiuglysweater
- #fortune
- #goodluck
- #green
- #MarchMadness
- #motivationalmonday
- #positioning
- #positionyourself
- #stpatricksday
- 1-4 Single Family Contract
- 10 year anniversary
- 10 years
- 100 agents
- 100 percent increase
- 100 years
- 100% dedicated
- 100% dedication
- 1099
- 1099-s
- 10yearcelebration
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2017 taxes
- 2018
- 2018 awards
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2021 schedule
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2nd working day
- 3 business day rule
- 3 day waiting period
- 3 years
- 3-day review
- 3years
- 41
- 4th of july message
- 5 type of communication
- 50 years
- 5years
- 6 years
- 7 years
- 8th year
- a'
- a' unsurpassed
- aa davis title
- Ability to Pay and Qualified Mortgage rules
- AbiRoad Land & Title
- about brad
- above and beyond
- addition or prepayment
- additional counties
- admiraltitle
- adversity
- advisory board
- affidavit
- affidavits of heirship
- affidvit of heirship
- affirmation
- AG
- Agency Bulletin
- agency highlights
- agency manager
- agency services
- agent
- agent growth
- agent highlight
- agent liability
- agent license
- agent love
- agent month
- agent spotlight
- agent success
- agent summit
- agent visits
- agentlove
- agents
- agreement
- alamogordo builders association
- alan holly
- Alliant Title
- alta good deeds
- alta panelist
- altaone
- amendments
- American Baseball Coaches Association Conference
- American Guaranty Title of Waco
- american land title
- American Land Title Association
- Amos L. Mazzant
- amy crawford
- amy thomas
- an inspired spirit
- ancillary probate
- Andy Dwyer
- anniversary
- annual meeting
- another country
- answers
- anthony nalbone
- Apostille
- Apostille certificate
- appreciation
- april
- april roberts
- Arizona
- arizona agent
- arizona agents
- arkansas
- Arkansas LAnd Title Association
- ashton smith
- assets
- at&t hotel and conference center
- ATRA Reinsurance
- attorney
- attorney run
- auction
- audit challenge
- Audra Taylor
- Augusta
- Austin
- austin texas
- austin title
- austin tx
- authority
- Authorization and MERP Certification form
- authorized escrow agent
- award winner
- awards
- AZ
- bankruptcy lien
- banterra bank
- barry sloop
- baseball
- Basic Manual of Rules
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance
- Basic Manual of Rules Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance in the State of Texas
- basin abstract and title
- basinabstract
- battle
- battle ready
- baycity
- be in compliance
- be inspiring
- be safe
- be yourself
- belinda rivera
- belton
- beneficiary
- beneficiary deed
- ber massey classic
- best agents
- better
- better for you
- betty newlon
- Bexar County
- big business
- big four
- big four vs us
- big investor
- Bill Shaddock
- Billy Vaughn
- blackacre title company
- Blacknight
- blessings
- block the rule
- Board of Directors
- bob dylan
- bob karlseng
- bond coverage
- borrego construction
- brad edler
- Brad Elder
- brad foreman
- brad honn
- brad jones
- brad versteegh
- bradjones
- Branson
- breathe
- brian phillips
- Broward
- broward county
- bruce martinez
- buddy davis
- building relationships
- Burt Macklin
- bushnell branch
- business development
- business entity
- business goals
- business growth
- business health
- business health check
- business strength
- ca
- california
- California State Polytechnic University
- capital title of texas
- capitaltitle
- capitaltitleoftexas
- capitol
- carlos casuso
- casino
- castle rock
- castroville
- casuso title
- catching up
- cathy copeland
- CE
- ce class
- CE credit
- celebrate
- celebration
- central title company
- CentraLand Title Company
- centralandtitlecompany
- chad hansen
- challenge
- challenges
- champion
- championship title
- chance perkins
- chance to win
- change
- change in loan product
- changing market
- Chapter 207
- Charlene Burk
- cheer
- Cheri Swanson
- cheryl klein
- chief operating officer
- chihuahua baseball
- child support
- children
- children into title
- Chris Crochet
- chris drumm
- Chris Phillips
- Chris Sperry
- christine huff
- Christmas
- civil law notary
- claims counsel
- class
- classes
- claude rich
- clay shoot
- clean audit award
- clean audits
- client party
- clients
- close of business
- closing disclosure
- Closing Market
- closing settlement
- co
- cocktail hour
- collateral for loan
- collateral kindred
- colorado
- colorado agents
- colorado county
- columbus tx
- commit
- commitment
- committed
- common misconceptions
- communication
- community
- community involvement
- community property
- community property laws
- company growth
- company strength
- competent authority
- competition
- compliance
- Conditions and exclusions
- conference
- conferences
- congratulations
- Congress
- connecting
- connecting with others
- connections
- conservatorship proceeding
- consistent service
- Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
- consumer financial laws
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Consumer Protection Act
- consumer protections
- contest
- contest winners
- contests
- continued education
- continuing education
- continuing growth
- contract
- contractor
- convention
- conveyance of a homestead property
- coo
- cookies
- Cooperatives
- coral gables
- corey casuso
- coronado
- coronavirus
- costumes
- courgae
- court order
- courtney hartley
- courtney harty
- coverage
- coverage fund
- covering no other land
- covid
- covid tips
- COVID-19
- covid19
- craig malatesta
- credit hours
- credit score
- credit score inquiries
- crockett
- crystal river fl
- ctot
- customer appreciation
- customer assurance
- customer dedication
- customer love
- customer service
- customers
- customers come first
- cyber crime
- cyber insurance policies
- cyberattacks
- dad
- Dallas 100
- Dallas 100 Awards
- Dallas Business Journal
- Dallas Business Journal's Middle Market 50
- dallas middle market 50
- Dan Boughton
- data call
- date
- date of policy
- david dickard
- david frisbie
- David Hays
- dawn thomas
- dawnanddebbie
- Day at the Capital
- DC
- deadlines
- deadlines to remember
- Death Deeds
- debra lewing
- deceased owner
- December
- december 1-14
- dedicated
- dedication
- deed
- deed and policy
- deed of trust
- delaware
- delegated authority
- delegation of authority
- Demotech
- demotech inc.
- dennis bonner
- denver
- Department of Labor
- Department of Treasury
- department of veterans affairs
- deposit funds
- desert lakes golf club
- designated authority
- determination
- devin storms
- devisee
- Diane Pyndus
- did you know
- digital signatures
- dimmy deer
- disabilities
- disability
- disabled
- disabled veteran
- disaster relief
- disclaimer deed
- divorce
- DJ Horn
- do better
- Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
- don julio classic
- don't wait
- donation
- donations
- donuts
- Doral
- Dr. Mark Dotzour
- due and payable
- due dates
- e-closings
- e-recording
- earnest money
- earning your business
- education
- education and training
- education news
- education seminars
- El Paso
- El Paso Chihuahuas
- el paso texas
- electronic notarization
- Elizabeth Woodroof
- Ellen Wied
- Elliott & Waldron Abstract Company
- elpaso
- Emelinda Moran
- emergency assistance
- employees
- employers
- empowerment
- encumbered
- entrust solutions
- envision title
- Errin Froggatt
- error on legal description
- escrow agent
- escrow officer training
- escrow officers
- escrow webinars
- essential workers
- estie leavitt azulay
- Ethics
- ethics training
- events
- evp
- examination
- exceeding the vision
- exception
- exclusion
- expanded services
- expanding
- expanding plant services
- expanding underwriting team
- expansion
- expectations
- face masks
- face-to-face
- fallscountytitle
- family
- family business
- family of agents
- FAQ's
- fastest growing companies
- Fastest Growing DFW Companies
- fear
- featured
- featured agent
- february
- federal judge
- Federal Reserve System
- federal tax lien
- feel good
- feelings
- fight
- fighter
- filed of record
- financial growth
- Financial Stability Rating
- Financial/Accounting Systems
- FinCen
- first
- First International Title
- first let's talk title
- first national bank of sante fe
- first national title
- First National Title Insurance
- first national title insurance comapny
- first national title insurance commpany
- First National Title Insurance Company
- First National Title Insurance team
- first pitch
- first responders
- FirstNet
- fiscal results
- fishing tournament
- fishing turnament
- fitness
- fitness level
- FL
- flags
- flex
- flex by fnti
- flex title production services
- flex title services
- Florida
- florida agent
- Florida agents
- Florida Land and Title Association
- florida land title association
- florida new hire
- florida production team
- florida region
- florida region agency manager
- florida title center
- florida title insurance
- flower mound
- FLTA Annual Golf Tournament
- FNTI agent
- fnti agent summit
- FNTI agents
- FNTI Cares
- FNTI family
- fnti response
- fnti spirit
- FNTI stands with Houston
- FNTI Team
- FNTI underwriting
- fnti vs big four
- fntiagentmonth
- fnticompany
- focus
- football coach
- for the sake of form
- for the year of the issuance of the Loan Policy or Interim Binder
- foreclosure
- foreign countries
- Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act
- foreign person
- Form T-2
- Fort Worth
- fraud coverage
- fredericksburg
- Frequently asked questions
- friendly reminder
- friendly reminders
- friends
- friends for hope
- frontier title group
- frontline workers
- full potential
- full premium
- full time focus
- fun
- future of industry
- future plans
- Galveston
- game plan
- garner abstract
- garner abstract and title
- general counsel
- geographic targeting order
- george h.w. bush
- george stablein
- Georgia
- Geri Hosterman
- Geri Hostermann
- getting better
- give thanks
- giving back
- Globe Life Park
- go-getter
- Gold Sponsorship
- gold standard award
- gold star title and escrow
- goldstandardaward
- golf
- golf tournament
- gordon sauer
- gotowebinar
- governor abbott
- gracefully strong
- grand opening
- grandopening
- grantee
- grantor
- grateful
- gratitude
- great lakes
- great lakes region
- great lakes region agency manager
- great northern title & abstract
- great staff
- greatfulness
- green brick title
- greystone
- Greystone Title Agency
- gricel chavez
- gross revenues
- growing
- growing business
- growth
- growth goals
- growth strategy
- Guarantee Title
- guidance
- Guillermo Gonzalez
- gulf coast hurricane
- gulf coast region
- gulf region of Texas
- gym
- Hague Convention
- Hague Convention of 1961
- Halloween
- happy 4th
- happy agents
- happy customers
- happy fourth of july
- happy halloween
- Happy Holidays
- happy hour
- happy new year
- Hard Hats and High Heels
- hard start
- hard work pays off
- hardwork
- hardworking
- HARP Loan
- HARP loan payoff
- Harrison Smith
- have you in mind
- hayley zatopek
- headed into 2019
- heads up
- health check
- heather stark
- Heather Stubbs
- heather weaver
- help
- helpful information
- helping
- helping out
- helping the community
- helping you grow
- here for our agents
- here for you
- here to help
- here we grow
- heroes
- high expectations
- highlight
- hill country titles
- HOA addendum
- Holiday
- holiday season
- holidays
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Extravaganza
- hollywood nights
- home equity loans
- homestead
- homestead affidavit
- honor roll
- honoring
- honors
- hope kahn
- hotel del coronado
- hours
- house of representatives
- Housing assistance
- Houston
- Houston area flooding
- Houston Flooding
- houston improv
- houston polo club
- Houston Texas
- humbled
- hurricane
- hurricane harvey
- Hurricane Harvey relief
- Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort
- ifly
- illegal lot situation
- impermissable alteration
- improved
- inc.
- Inc. 5000
- Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies
- inc5000
- increase in APR
- increase in revenue
- independence day
- independent agent
- Independent Agent Month
- independent agents
- independent agents' month
- independent title agents
- independent underwriters
- industry news
- industry veteran
- information
- inheritance
- initiatives
- injunction
- inspiration
- insurance
- insurance coverage
- insurance policies
- Insured Closing Protection Letter
- insured mortgage
- insuring a property
- Integrated Disclosure Forms
- integrity land title
- integrity title
- Interim Binder
- Interim Construction Loan
- intestate decdent
- intestate succession
- introducing
- invention
- iron lady
- IRS forms
- IRS instructions
- island girl cigar bar
- issuing agent
- issuing policy
- jackson hanks
- jacquie brink
- James Dudley
- james l anderson
- Jamie Barker
- jamie flynn
- jamiebarker
- Jane Privitt
- January
- January 2017
- javalina hunt
- Jay Hansli
- jeff boll
- jennifer correa
- jerry secrest
- jill schwenke
- jimmy deer
- JJ Title & Escrow
- joan tassy
- Joe Kuruvila
- joe mccabe
- john dodson
- john fox
- John Maxwell
- john micciche
- John Redding
- John Scolinos
- Jonathan Yasko
- judgement lien
- Julie Borges
- julie hartung
- july 4th
- June
- Justin Mowitz
- kalahari resort
- Kanakuk Kamps
- keep going
- kendrasalazar
- keystone abstract company
- kidney donation
- kim whitlock
- kirk bell
- Know Before You Owe
- knowledge
- kolter lukert
- kristen jorgensen
- kristi carrell
- Kristine Prather
- kyle rank
- labor law
- land title association of arizona
- Land Title Institute
- Land Title School
- landtitle texas
- Laredo
- las cruces abstract & title company
- last will
- latest news
- launch
- laura howard
- leadership
- learning
- legal
- Legal advisor
- legal description
- legal staff
- legend title
- legend title and abstract
- Legends Title
- legislature
- lender secured by a mortgage
- Lender's Title Policy
- Leslie Midgley
- lets talk title
- levellandtitlecompany
- liability
- license renewals
- lien
- lien affidavit
- light bulb
- listen in
- listening
- living will
- liz currie
- liza lagares
- Lizzie Angle
- llc
- Lloyds of London
- loan
- Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure
- Loan Estimate form
- Loan Policy
- Loan Policy (T-2)
- loan program
- Loan Title Policy
- Lobby Day
- local
- local teams
- London
- lonestartitle
- louisiana
- love
- love fnti
- love our agents
- love our clients
- love our customers
- love work
- love your brand
- loveouragents
- loveourcustomers
- ltaa
- ltac
- lumber jack
- lunch and learn
- luncheon
- maintain
- majestic title
- malcolm torres
- mara alyson
- march 2019
- march madness
- margaret thatcher
- marginalization
- maria caban
- mark ginzo
- Mark Wolfe
- marquette
- married couple
- Marty Deandre
- maryland
- maryland insurance administration
- massages
- massive growth
- master indemnity
- Masters Golf Tournament
- masters of industry
- matt deer
- matt powell
- matter of form
- Maverick Title
- meet our newest team members
- meeting
- melissa ballard
- memorandum
- mergers
- Merry Christmas
- Message from the CEO
- messages from the CEO
- metro brokers
- Mexican Matricula Consular (I.D. Card)
- Miami-Dade
- michael willey
- michigan
- Michigan land title association
- mid-atlantic
- mid-atlantic region
- mid-coast title company
- midcoast title
- middle market 50
- Middle Market 50 - Fastest Growing DFW Companies
- middle market 50 awards
- midwest region
- mile high stadium
- mimosas
- minors
- mission
- Missouri
- mlta
- mm
- mm50
- modern economy
- Monarch Title of Texas
- monopoly
- mortgage disclosure rule
- mortgage disclsoure
- mortgage of a homestead property
- Motivation
- Motivation Monday
- motivational messages
- Motivational Monday
- motivational mondays
- motivational tips
- Mowitz Title
- music
- n title
- national
- national agency division
- national division
- national forms manager
- national market share
- National Retail Federation
- national title services
- national underwriting counsel
- nationwide
- navititleagency
- ned livornese
- nereida almos
- networking
- nevada
- never give up
- new agent
- new employee
- new hire
- new hires
- new jersey
- New Mexico
- new mexico agent
- New Mexico Land Title Association
- new office
- New Orleans
- new staff
- new state
- new team member
- new updates
- new website
- New Year
- New Year resolution
- new years
- new york
- newbies
- Newlon
- next up
- nicole hayes
- nicolehayes
- NM
- nm wildfires
- nolaann waggoner
- nonverbal communication
- norma scot
- norma scott
- north carolina
- north star title company
- northstartitle
- not yet due and payable
- notaries
- notarization
- notary
- notary acknowledgement
- notary certification
- notary laws
- notary public
- notary's seal
- notice of the suit
- notices
- november agent highlight
- ns3
- ntp
- Obama
- Obama administration
- Obama's Overtime Rule
- obtain judgment
- official agent
- official launch
- official records
- ohio
- oil and gas industry
- oklahoma
- on the road
- on-demand
- online notarization
- online notary license
- onrecord title
- ontop
- open house
- opera
- Opera on the Plaza
- operations
- option fee
- oscars
- Other
- out & about
- Out and About
- outstanding agent award
- overtime
- Owner's Policy
- Owner's Policy (T-1)
- Owner's Title Policy
- p-11
- P-20
- P-54 Access Endorsement (T-23)
- paca
- Palm Beach
- pam pugh
- pandemic
- panel
- panel of leaders
- paragraph 4
- Parks and Rec
- partner
- partnership
- party
- Patrick McMillan
- pay doyle fishing tournament
- pennsylvania
- performances
- persistence
- persistent sales
- personality profiling
- pheoniz arizona
- phillips award
- phishing
- pinnacle title
- pioneer abstract & title
- pioneer abstract and title company
- Pioneer Title Agency
- planning
- Plano
- plta
- plum creek golf club
- podcast
- podcast series
- policies
- policy department
- Policy Production
- polo
- pop-bys
- positivity
- post covid
- power of attorney
- powerful
- pr
- pre-nuptial agreement
- Premium for Access Endorsement
- prep
- prepared
- preparing the deed
- prepayment penalty
- president
- president elect
- prevention
- pride
- primary mortgage
- principal title
- principals
- Privacy and sharing
- prizes
- pro forma
- probate a will
- probated will
- Procedural Rule P-2
- Procedural Rule P-20
- Procedural Rule P-20.C.1
- Procedural Rule P-50
- proceeding
- productive spring cleaning
- profits
- promoting confidence
- promotion
- promulgated form
- property
- property & casualty insurance producer licensing advisory board
- property rights
- property tax
- property tax in Texas
- property taxes
- protect your transactions
- protect yourself
- protected parties
- protection
- proud underwriter
- psa
- public records
- purchaser
- q & a
- Q&A
- Q1
- Quentin Dunn
- Question & Answer
- question and answers
- questions
- Questions & Answers
- Questions and answers
- quitclaim deed
- R-24
- R-5
- R-5 "Simultaneous issue" rule
- rachel popper pa.a.
- rampart title insurance agency
- RamQuest
- randy gilbert
- ranking
- rate rule 5
- Rate Rule R-24
- Rate Rule R-30
- ratification
- Ray Benson
- ray reece
- real estate
- real estate brokerage firm
- real estate document
- real estate heirship
- real estate market
- real estate transactions
- real property
- realtionships
- Realtor
- realtors choice award
- recent recognitions
- recipient
- recognition
- recognitions
- record year
- recorded notice of interest
- recording of a hard copy
- Red Kettle Award
- red riding hood
- redemption
- reflecting
- region manager
- regional update
- regionals southwest
- regions
- reinsurance
- reinsurance treaty
- reissue credit
- relationships
- relax
- remember
- remembering
- reminder
- reminders
- remote online closings
- remove abstract
- Renee Hicks
- reporting
- representative
- representing
- resale certificate
- reshaping the industry
- residence homestead
- residential property
- resilience
- resources
- respect
- response
- rest
- restart
- results
- revenue
- revenue increase
- reverse mortgages
- rhonda flasowski
- ribbon cutting
- rick borrego
- River Oaks
- robust economy
- rocky mountain
- rocky mountain escrow and title
- roller coaster market
- ross weaver
- round rock
- routine
- rudd & hawkes
- rudd and hawkes title insurance agency
- rule
- rustin khavari
- ryan casuso
- ryan peterson
- sacrifice
- salary cap
- sale
- sale transaction
- sales
- salesforce
- San Antonio
- sandiego
- santa
- santa fe title
- sante fe title
- sarah hasch
- save money
- saving lives
- scalloping
- scarfs
- Schedule B
- Schedule B exception
- Schedule C
- scholarship
- Sean A. Everest
- Sean Everest
- season's greetings
- seaspray settlement services
- second working day
- Section 1445 of the IRS Code
- Section 207.003(a)
- Section 5.012
- Select Title
- Select Title Sugar Land
- selecttitle
- self confidence
- sellers homestead
- selling property
- service
- services at closing
- setting goals
- Sewell Title
- shaddock companies
- sheila dunn
- sheree adkins
- Sheriff's Deed
- sheriff's sale
- silver leaf title insurance agency
- simultaneous issue
- Sixteen100Realty Group
- sleep
- small business
- small estate affidavit
- smishing
- SMU Cox Caruth Institute
- SoftPro360
- south carolina
- south land title
- southeast region
- Southern Title Insurance Company
- southlandtitle
- southwest
- southwest region
- southwest region manager
- southwestagents
- southwestern abstract and title company
- southwestern title and escrow
- southwestregion
- speakeasy
- spear phishing
- Specialty Insurance
- specified title insurance
- sports camp
- spotlight
- spouse
- spouse joining proforma
- spring cleaning
- sr. title officer
- Standard Exception Relating to Taxes
- Star Wars
- start fresh
- state economy
- state legislators
- statutes
- statutory process
- stay focused
- stay safe
- stay tuned
- stephanie coppage
- stephanie mooney
- stephen parker
- steve raney
- Steve Riemann
- steve trubatisky
- storms
- Strategic National Title Group
- strength
- stress relief
- strong
- strong finish and start
- stronger
- subsection(g)
- success
- successors and assigns
- suffer financial harm
- Sugar Land
- Sugar Land TX
- summer
- sunshine state
- super hero
- support
- support our agents
- support staff
- support team
- supporting communities
- survey coverage
- surveys
- survival
- surviving spouse
- susan stewart
- suzanne tinsley
- svp
- sweaters
- swtic
- T
- T-1R
- T-1R Owner's Title Policy
- T-2
- T-23 Access Endorsement
- t-29
- t-47
- t-47 affidavit
- take time for yourself
- talented
- talk
- talk title
- tara caballero
- tax foreclosure deed
- tax lien
- Tax Lien Deed of Trust
- tax sale
- taxes
- TDI post examinations
- tea time
- team
- team building
- team members
- team title services
- teamwork
- technology
- Temple
- tennessee
- Tennessee agent
- Terry Hastings
- testing
- Texas
- texas agent
- Texas agents
- texas baseball
- Texas Department of Insurance
- Texas disaster relief
- texas education
- texas endorsement chart
- Texas estates
- Texas Estates Code
- Texas Estates Code 122.107
- Texas Family Code
- texas first title company
- Texas Historical Commission
- Texas Land Title Association
- texas land title associations day
- Texas Land Title Institute
- Texas market
- Texas Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Claim
- texas notary
- Texas probate
- Texas Probate Code
- Texas Property Code
- Texas Rangers
- texas register
- Texas Residential Owner Policy
- Texas Secretary of State
- Texas Secure Title
- Texas Secure Title Company
- Texas Tax Code
- Texas Title
- Texas Title Company
- Texas Title El Paso
- Texas title insurance
- Texas Title Insurance Basic Manual
- texas title policies
- texas title university
- texasagent
- texasagents
- texastitlecompanyelpaso
- thank you
- thankful
- Thanksgiving
- thankyou
- the closing table of florida
- the independent agent
- The Texas Medicaid Estate Recovery Contractor
- theme
- theresa kane-mackenzie
- things to know
- Third Quarter
- thomas baird
- Thomas Edison
- thriving
- tiffany thompson
- TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure
- tim donovan
- times are changing
- tina deer
- Tips
- title
- title & abstract
- title 101
- title agent
- title agent needs
- title agent tricks
- title agents
- title calculator
- title company
- title data
- title industry
- Title Insurance
- title insurance agents
- title insurance education
- title insurance policy
- title insurance questions
- title insuring
- title of property
- Title One
- title partner
- title plant
- title policy
- title production
- title production services
- title questions
- title school
- title services
- title talk
- title tips
- Title USA
- TitleCapture
- titlegeeks
- titleone
- titleresources
- TLTA Annual Conference & Business Meeting
- TLTA Conference
- tlta convention
- tlta dinner
- TLTA Land Title School
- TLTA Land Title School Committee
- TLTA President
- TLTA University
- today
- together again
- tolerance provisions
- Tolerances
- Tom Davis
- tom klein
- top 10 winner
- tough times
- tournament
- Town Square Title
- tracey shaw
- tracy mcmahon
- traditions
- trainer
- training
- training exercises
- transactions closing in 2016
- transfer on death deed
- transitions
- TREC contract
- trec contract changes
- TREC Rule 535/146(b)(3)
- trophy
- troy adkins
- trust
- trust account
- trust agreement
- trust award
- trustaward
- trustee
- Truth-In-Lending Laws
- tune in
- TX
- tyler newlon
- U.S. District Judge
- U.S. District Judge Amos L. Mazzant
- ugly holiday sweater
- ugly sweater
- ugly sweater contest
- ugly sweaters
- understanding our agents
- underwriter
- underwriter q&a
- underwriter questions
- underwriters' policies
- underwriting
- underwriting answers
- Underwriting Bulletin
- underwriting cases
- underwriting counsel
- underwriting observations
- underwriting q & a
- underwriting q&a
- underwriting questions
- underwriting questions and answers
- underwriting resource
- underwriting resources
- underwriting staff
- underwriting team
- United States
- United States Consulate
- United States Embassy
- United States of America
- Unlimited Title Group
- unsurpassed
- US District Judge
- US District Judge Amos L. Mazzant
- US Law
- useful websites
- Utah
- utah agent
- valentines day
- valid
- valid lien
- value
- values
- VantageScore
- variety of expertise
- vendee
- vested deed
- vesting of title
- veterans
- veterans day
- Vicki Campbell
- vince young
- virginia
- vishing
- vision title
- visual training
- vitamin c
- vp
- waiting period
- warranty deed
- Washington
- waterford title
- we honor those who served
- we love our customers
- We stand with Houston
- we-ko-pa casino resort
- webinar
- webinars
- welcome
- well prepared
- Wendell Privitt
- wendy hoelting
- western division
- western region
- western region manager
- Western Regional Title
- western regional title agency
- whaling
- what a great team
- what is
- why fnti
- wichita falls
- will and testament
- win
- winner
- winners
- winning
- winslow wine cafe
- wintertime
- wire fraud
- wire fraud prevention
- wire fraud response plan
- wire transfer
- wire transfer fraud
- wiseman law firm
- Witchita Falls
- with our agents
- withhold and remit to the IRS
- wolf
- womens empowerment
- words
- words at valentines
- work
- work hard
- work hard play hard
- working
- www.goentrust.com
- yavapai title
- yavapai title agency
- yoga
- youcaring
- YouCaring Fund
- All
- April Roberts
- Brad Jones
- Brian Phillips
- Chance Perkins
- Chris Phillips
- David Dickard
- David Hays
- DJ Horn
- Ellen Wied
- fnti
- First National Title Insurance
- fntiblog
- Underwriting Department
- Geri Hosterman
- Jacquie Brink
- Jamie Barker
- Kristine Prather
- Mara Alyson
- Nicole Hayes
- NolaAnn Waggoner
- Rustin Khavari
- Ryan Peterson
- Sean Everest
May 28, 2021
Published by First National Title Insurance on May 28, 2021
September 26, 2020
Published by Chris Phillips on September 26, 2020
- Alabama
- Alaska
- All Region News
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- East Coast Region News
- Florida
- Georgia
- Great Lakes Region News
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Messages from the CEO
- Michigan
- Mid-Atlantic Region News
- Midwest Region News
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York COVID-19 News
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pacific Region News
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Southeast Region
- Southwest Region
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Upper Midwest Region
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
- Western Region
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
First National Title Insurance Company (FNTI) is moving quickly to become licensed in 11 more states (UT, NV, VA, MD, DC, PA, OH, MI, SC, NY, […]