June 29, 2021
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February 17, 2016
Q: Can we insure a sale transaction where seller acquired title by a tax foreclosure deed? A: Yes, FNTI will insure a subsequent sale by a […]
December 16, 2015
Q: ATTENTION ALL NOTARIES! NEW LAWS! Did you know that there is a new law that affects your ability to acknowledge documents? A: You do now. […]
July 15, 2015
Q: Can a T-23 Access Endorsement be issued on a road or street or highway that is not physically open? A: No. The T-23 insures against […]
June 10, 2015
Q & A | CFPB: What changes in the new Closing Disclosure WILL NOT require a new 3-day review period?
Q: CFPB: What changes in the new Closing Disclosure WILL NOT require a new 3-day review period? A: By now we have all been hit over […]
January 7, 2015
Q: You may have heard the following phrase from an attorney, “You cannot probate a will if more than four years have elapsed since the decedent’s […]
November 12, 2014
Q: Can an agent under a power of attorney, a trustee under a trust, or the personal representative of an estate (i.e. executor or administrator) delegate […]
September 10, 2014
Q: Can I use a Mexican Matricula Consular (I.D. Card) as a form of identification for a notary acknowledgment? A: No. The Texas Civil Practices and […]