Q: What do I need to know about CFPB? A: The CFPB is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It is an independent bureau within the Federal Reserve […]
Q: The FHA has always required borrowers to pay interest through month end, irrespective of the actual date the payoff was received by the lender, when […]
Q: Since Reverse Mortgages are not covered by the new TILA-RESPA Rule, does a lender have the option to use the new Integrated Disclosure Forms (Loan […]
Q: Is there something that an Estate for a deceased seller can obtain to verify that there exists no Texas Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP) Claim? […]
Q: Can an agent under a power of attorney, a trustee under a trust, or the personal representative of an estate (i.e. executor or administrator) delegate […]
Q: When there is an intestate death, and the decedent did not have a surviving spouse or children or parents, leaving siblings as the heirs at law, […]
Q: Can I use a Mexican Matricula Consular (I.D. Card) as a form of identification for a notary acknowledgment? A: No. The Texas Civil Practices and […]