David Hays

January 6, 2017

First National Title Insurance Expands Legal Staff

First National Title Insurance Company (FNTI) recognizes that the services you need to grow your business must involve the support of a strong legal team.  A […]
December 16, 2015

Q & A | ATTENTION ALL NOTARIES!! NEW LAWS!! Did you know that there is a new law that affects your ability to acknowledge documents?

Q: ATTENTION ALL NOTARIES! NEW LAWS! Did you know that there is a new law that affects your ability to acknowledge documents? A: You do now. […]
September 10, 2014

Q & A | Can I use a Mexican Matricula Consular (I.D. Card) as a form of identification for a notary acknowledgment?

Q: Can I use a Mexican Matricula  Consular (I.D. Card) as a form of identification for a notary acknowledgment? A: No. The Texas Civil Practices and […]