I am pleased to announce that First National Title Insurance Company is currently in the process of licensing additional Texas counties for our Title Production Facility […]
First National Title Insurance has your hours! We pride ourselves on one of the more extensive continuing educational programs in the industry. We offer live and […]
Happy New Year! Last year I blogged about a New Year’s resolution to encourage business health checks to evaluate the well being of your business. This […]
The FNTI Team hosted a speakeasy-themed dinner at the annual Texas Land Title Institute in San Antonio. Agents were treated to an entertaining evening of fine […]
First National Title Insurance Company (FNTI) continues to achieve incredible growth rates on a year-over-year basis. Through the third quarter, revenues are up almost 30 percent […]
Question: What are the laws of intestate succession regarding a deceased person’s property who was married at the time of death and who died without a will […]
In August, First National Title Insurance Company set up a fund to support our independent agents in the Houston area affected by the devastation of Hurricane […]