FIRST NEWS | Monthly E-Newsletter
January 26, 2018
DJ’s Motivational Mondays | Why We Love Our Work!
February 5, 2018When First National Title Insurance Company (FNTI) wrapped up our books in 2015, we were slightly disappointed to have just missed reaching $50 million in gross revenues. It was a psychological mark that we were striving to reach. However at $49,980,000, we rounded up and felt very good about our agents and the efforts we made to help them grow their companies. Two years later we found ourselves in a similar situation. This time, we were striving to reach that magical $100 million mark. Again, we just missed it a $97,500,000, which is a little harder to round up to $100 million. And again, we were extremely pleased that our agents grew their businesses and that we grew our share of their business. Over a two year period, FNTI practically doubled our revenues. That incredible statistic is a tribute to you, our independent agents, and the trust and support you give to our talented and dedicated team. I am thankful for every one of our milestones and recognize that they are only possible because of the hard working independent agent family that chooses FNTI on a daily basis.
As I said in last month’s blog, FNTI has reached the seven-year milestone and is ready to pick it up a notch. This is the year our team becomes more visible, more involved, and more attuned to your needs. We will be in your office more often, will train you and your Realtor customers more consistently, will respond to your emails and phone calls more timely, will listen more intently, will find ways to get transactions closed more creatively, and will make your success a reality. Every member of the FNTI team is dedicated to your agency and the results you are striving to achieve.
After seven years, our company motto that “We do business with those we know, like, and trust” still rings true. It is a motto we live by. We want you to know us, like us, and especially trust us.
We are all looking forward to a busy and prosperous 2018. See you in the trenches.
And again, thank you very much for an excellent 2017!