Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
- Passwords are case sensitive, ensure that credentials are being inputted correctly.
- If you forget your FirstNet password, click on Forgot Password, [Here].
- For assistance in getting your password reset, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
- Username and passwords are case sensitive, ensure that credentials are being inputted correctly.
- For credential retrieval or to get your username and password reset, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
- PaperlessCloser is a direct portal for submitting title research and commitment orders to First National Title Insurance. You can access our PaperlessCloser portal directly here:
PaperlessCloser credentials are needed to access the portal, have you been issued a PaperlessCloserUsername/Password?
- If not, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
- Please note, your PaperlessCloser credentials are SEPARATE from your FirstNet credentials. Your FirstNet credentials will NOT give you access to the PaperlessCloser portal
If you order title research and commitments directly from First National Title Insurance, you can review and retrieve copies of commitments, invoices, and support documents for all of your orders. You can access our PaperlessCloser portal directly here:
If you are having issues logging into PaperlessCloser, please check the following:
- Please note: Your PaperlessCloser credentials are SEPARATE from your FirstNet credentials. YourFirstNet credentials will NOT give you access to the PaperlessCloser portal.
- Username and passwords are case sensitive, ensure that credentials are being inputted correctly.
- If problems persist, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
If you submit title orders via our email order form [form can found here] and you would like to gain access to our PaperlessCloser portal, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
If you submit title orders via our email order form [form can found here], and do not use the PaperlessCloser portal, please reach out to the order entry manager, Hillary Simpson, [email protected]
If you order title research and commitments from a third party vendor, please reach out directly to that vendor for copies of commitments, invoices, and support documents.
FirstNet credentials are needed to generate an ICSL, have you been issued a FirstNet username and password?
If not, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
If you have FirstNet credentials and still can’t generate a ICSL, please check the following:
- Passwords are case sensitive, ensure that credentials are being inputted correctly.
- If you have not provided proof of your updated Errors & Omissions Policy for the current year, your account may have been locked. Please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
- If problems persist, please reach out to your agency representative or email [email protected] for assistance.
A step-by-step guide for generating ICSLs can be accessed here: